Registration Guidelines
Kindly follow the below guidelines carefully in order to include your paper in the conference proceedings that will be submitted at IEEE Xplore:
1. Please use the IEEE template (MS Word) to prepare your camera-ready paper. You can download the template from NETAPPS2024 website or the following website:
2. Prepare a Word file named ‘CorrectionsTable.docx’ for the Table of Corrections. In this file, list your corrections based on the Reviewer’s comments.
3. Final camera-ready paper: Revise your paper by addressing all the reviewers’ suggestions and comments. Please ensure the paper is formatted using the IEEE template. The final camera-ready paper must include the affiliations and email addresses of all authors.
4. Add the copyright notice ‘979-8-3315-1951-3/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE’ to the bottom left corner of the first page of your camera-ready paper.
5. Camera-ready Format Verification: You must check and verify your final paper format at IEEE PDF eXpress website ( Please, follow the instructions:
a. Create PDF eXpress Account:
– Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site.
– Fill out the registration form as a new user. Use ‘63333X’ code for the Conference ID field.
– Continue to enter information as prompted.
– An online confirmation will be displayed, and an email will be sent to you.
b. Verify the format of your paper using the eXpress website from Dashboard.
c. When the verification is done, download the verified IEEE eXpress PDF File.
6. Upload the below files to your NETAPPS2024 EasyChair account by 10th of October 2024:
a. The Table of Corrections as PDF file.
b. The Camera Ready Paper in .docx.
c. The Verified IEEE eXpress PDF File.
7. By 15th October 2024 (Registration Deadline), at least one of the authors must complete the registration. For more information about Registration Fees, you can visit NETAPPS2024 website ( Please find the payment information below:
a. Pay through EPAY UUM: ( or scan the following QR code

b. Upload the following to your NETAPPS2024 easychair:
– The Proof of Payment (PDF file).
– If you are an IEEE member, please upload the IEEE Membership.
– If you are a student, upload a valid Student ID.
Note: if your payment requires an invoice, please contact the conference secretary (<email>) to issue the invoice.
8. Electronic Copyright Transfer must be submitted online. The details will be sent to you shortly.
9. To include your paper in IEEE proceedings, you should CAREFULLY follow all the above guidelines. If you have any technical problems, please contact our Conference Secretary.
Thank you very much for your contribution.
Best regards,
Important Notes:
- Registration is only confirmed when full payment is received.
- For each accepted paper, at least one author must register before the registration deadline.
- Students are requested to submit a valid Student ID during the online registration.
- IEEE Member should submit evidence of membership.